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be the parent or guardian of the player under ?0? years old, or have permission from the parent or guardian of the player.", GDPRGuardianConsentValidation : "Consent required - edit details", ProgrammeLower : "programme", ProgrammeUpper : "Programme", ProgrammesLower : "programmes", ProgrammesUpper : "Programmes", FloodlitLabel : "Floodlit", StripeCosts : "Stripe will deduct 25p per transaction + 2.8% for UK cards and 4.3% for international cards or American Express. 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Once registered you'll be asked to connect your account to ClubSpark and as soon as you've done this we'll be able to help you to automatically keep track of payments made via GoCardless (for one-off payments and monthly Direct Debits).", OperatorNameLong : "Sportlabs Technology Ltd", OperatorName : "ClubSpark", OperatorLogoDark : "~/Content/Public/ClubSpark/Common/Shared/img/core/CS_logo@1x.png", OperatorWebsite : "", OperatorWebsiteText : "", OperatorPoweredText : "Site powered by", RegisterLinkText : "Register", OptimisationLower : "optimisation", AdminDateFormat : "dd/MM/yyyy" }, Contacts : { CoachingRole : "Coaching administrator", GoverningBodyNumber : "", ResponsibleLower : "activator", ResponsibleUpper : "Activator", ResponsiblesLower : "activators", ResponsiblesUpper : "Activators", RolesDescription : "Organisation", MentalHealthChampionUpper : "" }, Emails : { Salutation : "Hi" }, Home : { Heading : "Where would you like to go?" }, RegularExpressions : { PersonName : "^[a-zA-Z\\-\\'\\&\\ \\.]+$", Postcode : "^(GIR[ ]?0AA|((AB|AL|B|BA|BB|BD|BH|BL|BN|BR|BS|BT|CA|CB|CF|CH|CM|CO|CR|CT|CV|CW|DA|DD|DE|DG|DH|DL|DN|DT|DY|E|EC|EH|EN|EX|FK|FY|G|GL|GY|GU|HA|HD|HG|HP|HR|HS|HU|HX|IG|IM|IP|IV|JE|KA|KT|KW|KY|L|LA|LD|LE|LL|LN|LS|LU|M|ME|MK|ML|N|NE|NG|NN|NP|NR|NW|OL|OX|PA|PE|PH|PL|PO|PR|RG|RH|RM|S|SA|SE|SG|SK|SL|SM|SN|SO|SP|SR|SS|ST|SW|SY|TA|TD|TF|TN|TQ|TR|TS|TW|UB|W|WA|WC|WD|WF|WN|WR|WS|WV|YO|ZE)(\\d[\\dA-Z]?[ ]?\\d[ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}))|BFPO[ ]?\\d{1,4})$", PhoneNumber : "^0(\\d ?){10}$" }, Terms : { MinimumUserAge : "13", AssociationScope : "The ECB and its national, county and island associations", InvolvementScope : "cricket", UseOfPersonalInformationScope : "Sportlabs Technology Ltd" }, Venue : { CoachingOrganisationLower : "coaching organisation", CoachingOrganisationUpper : "Coaching organisation", ProfileGroupFieldLabel : "ECB Region", OrganisationUpper : "Organisation", OrganisationLower : "organisation", OrganisationsLower : "organisations", OrganisationsUpper : "Organisations", VenueLower : "club", VenueUpper : "Club", VenuesLower : "clubs", VenuesUpper : "Clubs", VenueClassification : "Cricket County", VenueEventDefaltName : "Course details", AcceptInvitationAgreeTermsAndConditionsPrefix : "Please tick this box to confirm you agree to the", PrivacyPolicyConsentPrefix : "Please tick this box to confirm you have read and accepted" }, Events : { EventLower : "event", EventUpper : "Event", EventsLower : "events", EventsUpper : "Events", ChangeLabel : "Change players" }, MembershipEmails : { LoginTextForAccount : "You will need to login with your existing ClubSpark account" }, AdminWebsite : { HeroPhotoGuidance : "For best viewing of this photo we recommend uploading a photo with dimensions of 1800px by 440px" }, SchemesEmails : { SchemeSessionsBookingUserSubject : "[#scheme#] / Booking Confirmation", SchemeSessionsBookingAdminSubject : "[#scheme#] / Booking Confirmation", SchemeSessionFullNotificationSubject : "[#scheme#] / [#course-type#] Full" } }; var AuthHandler = function(config) { var cache; var redirectUrl = config.zoneRoot + 'oauth2-redirect.html'; var authorizeUrl = config.authRoot + 'issue/oauth2/authorize'; this.withToken = function (args) { args = args || {}; if (typeof args === "function") args = { success: args }; args.success = args.success || function() {}; args.error = args.error || function() {}; args.scope = args.scope || "token"; /* Attempt to load the current oauth token from localStorage */ /* var tokenCache = localStorage.getItem('oauth2.token'); */ var tokenCache = cache; var adminToken = null; if (tokenCache != null) adminToken = JSON.parse(tokenCache); var now = Math.floor( / 1000); /* If token expires within next 60 seconds, we'll request a new one anyways */ if (adminToken != null && adminToken.expires_after < now + 60) adminToken = null; if (adminToken == null) { window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { if ( == 'oauth2.callback') { if ( { var token = { expires_after: now +, access_token: }; /* Store the token in cache */ /* localStorage.setItem('oauth2.token', JSON.stringify(token)); */ cache = JSON.stringify(token); args.success(token.access_token); } else { args.error(; } } }, { once: true, capture: false }); var nonce = btoa(; var authorizePayload = { tokenType: 'csa', response_type: 'token', client_id: 'clubspark-ui', redirect_uri: redirectUrl, scope: config.scopeRoot + args.scope, state: nonce, realm: config.webRoot, }; var implicitUrl = authorizeUrl + '?' + $.param(authorizePayload); /* Get iframe for sso */ var iframe = $('iframe[name="oauth2"]'); if (iframe.length == 0) { iframe = $('